Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Consumerism and the local church

In many respects we really can't help it. We live in a time and place where nearly every institution is competing for our time, attention, money, adoration, dedication, and promotion. It turns out that marketing people are very smart...they know how to get us to do just about anything they want. Quite simply they strive to appeal to our basest of qualities, a quality derived straight from the Garden of Eden; that is....the elevation of "self" to a level that makes our own desires outweigh anything else. Marketeers are constantly telling us all the things we deserve, how we should treat ourselves, pamper ourselves, lookout for number one, etc. And we have bought in to it "hook, line, and sinker!" Why wouldn't we....we love getting what we want! I personally love a good thick steak.....and when some guy with a thick aussie accent tells me that I deserve it and I should "treat myself" to some Outback tonight....well, how can I argue with that?

Unfortunately, alot of us bring that "it's all about me" attitude to church. We want to sit in our chair every Sunday and "consume." Afterall, that's what we do at Outback Steakhouse, or Starbucks, or Chick-fil-a, or Bell's! We choose what we want, what sounds good to us, how we want it cooked and then we wait on someone to serve us so we can "consume." The difference is.....now listen closely.....this is the good part..... "Church isn't about what you want, it's about what God wants." The local church serves 3 purposes....1) to worship and give GOD glory, 2) to equip believers to reach others, 3) to provide an environment for those who don't know Jesus to hear the gospel. I believe that the local church is God's primary tool for reaching the "lost." So, (this may sting a little) if you are a believer...it's not about you! I have heard Pastor Greg say that the difference between the church and a country club is that a country club exists to serve it's members....in the church, the members exist to serve the church.

Remember Mark 10:45
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

So how are you serving your church today. Are you doing more than just taking up a seat on Sunday morning? Do you see the bigger picture....that there are people that will only be reached by the local church....and it is our job to put our desires aside and to prepare an environment that is welcoming, safe, engaging, and "real" so that someone we don't even know yet can come to a relationship with Jesus. Consumer church is NEVER satisfying. True satisfaction comes through serving others. Don't miss out. Find a place of meaningful service today.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

This Sunday @Foothills Toccoa

I haven't been this excited about a Sunday morning in a long time! As we finish the What If... series with a message entitled "What if today was your last day", tomorrow has the potential to be HUGE! This is a service that you seriously need to invite your friends, co-workers, neighbors,....anyone who needs a relationship with Jesus. It's going to be amazing!

See you tomorrow...and don't be late....you don't want to miss a single minute!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

workdays at the new bldg this week

Hey everyone! We are making great progress in the new bldg, however, we have a tons more work left to do. We need as many people to come help as possible. This week we will be working wed during the day...9-3 and then Wed night 6-8. We will be working then again on Sat from 9-3. Please make plans to be there...its always a lot of fun!

Friday, August 28, 2009

workday aug 29

Hey everyone! The demolition inside the building is finished! Tomorrow we will be beginning to frame up walls in the children's side. There won't be as many opportunities for youth workers this week except to be runners between the saws and the carpenters. Also there will be a little painting on the outside if the rain holds off. Bring saws, nail guns, etc used for framing. Can't wait to see you there!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Workdays this week

Hey everyone....the workday this past Saturday was amazing! Got a lot done.

This week we are going to be at the building working Wednesday night from 6-8 doing some clean-up of demolition that was done on Saturday and probably starting a little demolition on the children's side of the building.

Then Saturday we will be there from 9am - 2 or 3pm. It will be a lot of the same as last weekend. Painting of the outside of the building and demolition of the childrens side interior.

Can't wait to see everyone there!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

First workday!

We are going to have our first workday at the new building this Saturday. One of the first things we want to do is paint the exterior. We will be doing at least a coat of primer this weekend....maybe paint if I can get the color sample in time. We will also start some demolition of existing walls inside. We will be starting @ about 9:00am. Please bring paint brushes, rollers, ladders, and any other painting tools we might need.

For the demolition bring sledgehammers, saws, pry bars, etc.

It is going to be a hot one on Saturday so if someone could volunteer to bring water, etc to keep the workers hydrated that would be awesome!

If you have any questions call Sam McMillan @ 864-903-5137. Sam and Jody have agree to be the point person for organizing and directing all the remodeling activities! Please give them your support.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Building Dedication and what's next

Hey everyone! The building dedication last night was awesome! I really enjoyed getting to worship for the first time in our new building.....and you guys sang your hearts out! This building is going to be an incredible place of healing and life change for people we haven't even met yet....that is exciting for me. I hope it is for you too.

As far as what are we doing next...here is where we are.

We are waiting for the thrift store to empty (we anticipate them being out by Tuesday) and we are waiting for a layout drawing from our architect. As soon as those things happen we will begin demolition of the walls that currently exist that we are not going to use.....and from there we will begin framing.

Just check here everyday for updates as to what and when we will be doing work.
