Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday was awesome!

This Sunday at the Toccoa Campus was amazing. Our new worship pastor, Jonathan Bryant did an outstanding job as did all the guys in the band. It was really and incredible time of worship.

The lifegroup signups were off the chart.....I am going to need to add one or two more groups to accommodate all the people who want to get connected to a group!

We have so many great people at the Toccoa really blows my mind! Every week people are stepping up and asking what they can do to help....wanting to serve.....get connected.

Next Week we are doing a big SERVE push.....the message will be on getting connect through serving and then we are going to have a volunteer appreciation party to let our volunteers know just how much they mean to us. We will watch the Superbowl on the big screen, have food, and drinks....everything will be provided by staff and team leaders. If you are a volunteer or you are interested in finding a place to serve at the Toccoa Campus......please come out and have a good some great food....and just have a fantastic time with our church family. Festivities start at 5:00pm.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My knee and Jessica Simpson

So out of the blue my right knee starts hurting on Tuesday. The pain increases throughout the day to the point that by the time I am ready to go to bed I cannot bend it without experiencing EXCRUTIATING pain! Wed it was a little better....but today it is still very painful. The thing about it is that I don't remember doing anything to injure it. What does this mean.....can you just have spontateous knee injuries that bring you to tears. I may have to write this up for a medical journal, or 48hours Mysteries, or maybe an episode of "Fringe"! Weird!

Tonight I am taking my wife to a concert at the Bilo Center. Her favorite band by far is Rascal Flatts so we are going to see them! She is going to love it! The problem is that we have to put up with the opening act......JESSICA SIMPSON! Baaarrrrffffola. Maybe we should bring cans of Chicken of the Sea to throw up on stage!

BTW - Awesome night last night in Toccoa. We had our first ever GROW class and had 13 people attend!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year's only one

I have been a "slablogger!" What in the world is a "slablogger" you ask? It is a slacker-blogger. I have rarely blogged in the last couple of months....and when I have, there hasn't been much to it. much as I hate New Years resolutions I am going to make just one...and that is to blog at least twice a week. I don't want to say everyday or everyother day or on days that end with the letter y or anything like that......just two days a week. And I expect my faithful blog readers (or at this point it may be just one reader.....) to hold me to it! So that is my part of the deal....I will provide more blog posts. Your part of the deal is to leave COMMENTS! I love leave lots of makes it so much more fun and interactive!

Totally different subject......I have very exciting news!
We have hired a Worship Pastor for Foothills Toccoa! Whooooooooo Hoooooooo! Many of you will remember Jonathan Bryant. Jonathan lead worship the week that Pastor Greg was in Toccoa and spoke live! I am totally jacked up about this! Jonathan and I have been able to spend some time together and he is an awesome guy who, besides being a great worship leader, has a incredible heart for connecting with people and connecting them with Jesus. Jonathan will be starting next Monday and leading worship in Toccoa starting Jan 25.

When you see sure to give him a big Foothills welcome.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Intro Video

Alot of people have asked to see the intro video again from last weeks service. The premise of the video is that I am mysteriously missing from Church and have gone back to Seneca to get a new copy of this weeks service video.....and the video picks up from there....